Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Dissolve Kidney Stones?

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Dissolve Kidney Stones?

Before we find out if an apple cider vinegar can help dissolve kidney stones. Let us understand how are kidney stones formed in the first place?

Kidney stones do not have a definite cause. Although, there can be several factors that contribute to the risk of kidney stones. When your urine contains more crystal-forming substances, stones can be formed in your kidney. At the same time, kidney stones can also form when your urine lacks crystals-forming substances from sticking together. Substances such as oxalate, calcium and uric acid.

Coming to the point of whether apple cider vinegar dissolves kidney stones, then yes! But in certain cases it may not, i.e. if the kidney stones are larger to pass while urinating. Apple cider vinegar is the juice from crushed apples that is fermented. The juice contains rich nutrients like vitamins B and C as well as acetic acid. Thus, helping crush the kidney stones and passing them through the urinary tract.

Anyone who has experienced the pain caused by kidney stones can understand the extreme discomfort. The pain caused by kidney stones is not pleasant at all. So, it is advised to get rid of it in the beginning stage.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the risks and remedies of apple cider vinegar to help fight against kidney stones.

Types of Kidney Stones

Knowing what kind of kidney stone you have can help you to determine its cause and find a cure. You can find ways to reduce the risk of getting kidney stones faster. If not, you can take the help of apple cider vinegar to pass the stone. You can then collect the stone and bring it to your doctor for analysis.

But how do you know you have kidney stones right? A few symptoms of kidney stones are –

The different types of kidney stones are -

Calcium Stones:

These kinds of kidney stones form from calcium oxalate. It is a substance your liver makes by adsorbing your diet. Certain food items have more oxalate such as nuts and chocolate. Oxalate in urine is also caused by high doses of vitamin D and dietary factors.

Uric Acid Stones:

These stones are formed among those who lose too much fluid due to chronic diarrhoea or malabsorption. People who eat a high-protein diet and have diabetes also generate such stones in their kidneys. But genetic factors can also increase your risk of uric acid stones.

Struvite Stones:

This kidney stone is formed due to a urinary tract infection. Struvite stones can be difficult stone as it grows and become large to extract via urination if not treated on time. These stones have few symptoms and can cause sudden pain.

Cystine Stones:

These kinds of stones are formed for those who have a hereditary disorder. It is caused by a rare disorder called “cystinuria.” during this, it causes the kidneys to excrete specific “cystine” to leak into your urine. Due to much cystine in the urine, you can form kidney stones. Apart from kidneys, these stones can get stuck in the bladder and in the urinary tract as well.

How does Apple Cider Vinegar helps in curing Kidney Stones?

There are many properties of apple cider vinegar. So, it not only helps to dissolve and break down kidney stones. But it also has many health benefits of apple cider vinegar. So, if you have stones in your kidney and want a home remedy to cure kidney stones via apple cider vinegar, read below.

Dissolves the stones

By taking apple cider vinegar, the kidney stones will dissolve and break down into pieces. The acidic nature of the ACV helps to reduce the size of kidney stones. Once the stone is reduced in size, it will pass through the urinary tract.

Flushes the toxins

Apple cider vinegar has rich nutrients in the form of vitamins and acid which helps to cleanse the body. By taking regular, the apple cider vinegar flushes the toxins out of the body in the form of waste. It also prevents the future formation of kidney stones.

Breaks down the hard tissue

Taking apple cider vinegar on a regular basis contributes to breaking down the hard stone forming tissues that form the kidney stones. This is because apple cider vinegar contains phosphoric, acetic and citric acid.

Helps in digestion

Apple cider vinegar also helps in digestion. The alkalinising effect of the ACV aids digestion. It triggers the production of hydrochloric acid. Which in turn, prevents the formation of kidney stones to form in the future.

Comforts internal pain

While the pain can be unbearable and uncomfortable. Apple cider vinegar can reduce the discomfort caused by kidney stones. It is a good substitute for over-the-counter medications if taken regularly.

What is the best way to take Apple Cider Vinegar?

There are rich nutritional benefits of cider vinegar, you can use the drink in salads or other food. It can be diluted in water. But, remember to consume only diluted ACV. As the undiluted ACV can burn the throat. It can damage the enamel of the teeth as well. It is recommended to brush your teeth after drinking apple cider vinegar.

There are many ways to take apple cider vinegar. The most common is to add 2 teaspoons of ACV in the water and add honey and lemon to enhance the flavour.

For kidney stone remedy, you can combine the following ingredients:

For kidney stone remedy, you can combine the following ingredients:

The sodium bicarbonate component found in baking soda can help to reduce the acidic nature of the urine. Thus, it makes the mixture more effective and helps the future occurrence of kidney stones.


It depends on the size of the kidney stone. The stones smaller than 4 mm pass on their own. They take an average of 30 days to pass. The stones that are 4 to 6 mm may need treatment. They take around 45 days to pass.

Yes, with a proper mix of warm water and ACV, you can get results to dissolve the stones faster. You can also add honey and lemon to add taste.

As the stone passes through your urinary tract, you’ll feel pain in the abdomen and groin. It can also cause gastric discomfort accompanied by throbbing pain

You may experience some temporary residual soreness post kidney stone passes. If the pain lingers there may be another stone or infection. You can contact your doctor for confirmed results.