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8 Tips to Protect Children from Monsoon

Monsoon is one of the most beautiful and cherished seasons in India. It brings a burst of freshness and a refreshing feeling from the scorching heat.

But monsoon season can be health hazardous. The germs and viruses can make you sick. The season becomes a breathing ground for some deadly infections. Children can catch different types of monsoon sickness.

If you have children, then you need to be extra careful and make sure that you safeguard them during monsoon. There are many issues that parents face with their children during the monsoon. These include the adverse physical changes in their body due to heat. And humidity and their inclination towards risky activities.

You should follow these tips to stay healthy in the monsoon. And make sure that you have some peace of mind during the monsoon. And prevent children from falling sick.

Feed your children nutritious food for monsoons and hygienic food. Expose them to indoor physical activities. Avoid monsoon-related outdoor games and make sure that they are warm and sheltered.

The 8 tips to protect children from monsoon are mentioned below –

1. Proper summer clothing choices

When you have children at home, maintaining proper clothing is necessary. Daytime can be extremely hot and humid and night can become pleasant. So, you can get your kids soft cotton clothes to wear during the day. And a slightly thick layer of clothes as the sun begins to set.

2. Keep warm after getting wet

During monsoon season, the chances to get wet despite carrying an umbrella are high. So naturally, your clothes are bound to get wet. What do you do to stay dry? Carry an extra set of clothes for your kid before stepping out. In case your child gets wet, you can change them into warm clothes right away.

3. Keep a check on the diaper

If you have an infant, keep checking the diaper, it is said that babies urinate more during monsoons. Well, this can be applied in general terms as well. No baby likes a wet diaper thus they cry to get it changed. Keep a check and when the diaper is heavy, check it quickly to avoid fungal infections or rashes.

4. Carry mosquito repellent

With monsoon comes mosquitoes. The season of rain is the breeding ground for mosquitoes that attack kids in playgrounds and gardens. A mosquito bite during a monsoon can turn into a serious sickness later. 

Sickness like dengue and malaria are common monsoon sicknesses. Always carry mosquito repellent creams and spray while heading out to the park.

5. Prevent diarrhoea

Due to constant rain and flood during monsoon, the water can become contaminated. Hence, diarrhoea surge peaks during monsoon season. Be careful and do not eat anything from outside. While drinking bottled water from outside, boil it thoroughly once and set it to cool and refill the bottle again. This can help you to prevent diarrhoea. Give only home food to your kids and avoid outdoor food.

6. Maintain cleanliness

During the rainy season, it can be difficult to constantly clean muddy floors as you enter the house from outside. This way you bring inside diseases too. Always remove dirty shoes outside and clean your kids’ hands properly. Kids can be active and eat whatever they see without washing their hands. Ask them to carry hand sanitisers with them always.

7. Have a balanced diet

Having a good diet is health beneficial for every season. Ensure your kids gets the right nutrition and do not feed them street food. Include apples and seasonal fruits in the diet. Banana, papaya and pomegranate are great fruits for kids. Make sure to include beetroot in your child’s diet as it is packed with antioxidants to build immunity.

8. Get a flu protection vaccine

If you have a sickly child who often falls sick due to seasonal allergies. Get your child tested for any health issues from us and consult for a flu protection vaccine. These shots are given regularly so do not miss the vaccination shots. This vaccination for seasonal sickness can help your child build immunity and prevent them from falling sick.


Children are hyperactive and most of the kids love rain. It can be unmanageable to keep them away from the rain. So, keep a full protected raincoat and boots with you and an additional umbrella. This will keep your kids protected from rain, they can enjoy the rain whilst under a raincoat and boots.

Get your child vaccinated with a seasonal flu shot. It is beneficial if your kid falls sick frequently. It is also necessary before travelling to a destination with a different climate. Maintain a healthy diet chart and keep mosquito repellent and sanitisers with you.

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