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How to quit smoking?

It is a known fact that smoking is injurious to health. But why is it so difficult to get rid of smoking?

Well, this is a common question asked by many people who wants to quit smoking but don’t know how. You see, because of nicotine’s effect on the brain, we get addicted to tobacco. If you stop consuming tobacco immediately, pretty much you’ll suffer from nicotine withdrawal. Which can affect your overall life and smoking urges can soar to a greater level.

But what if we tell you that there are ways to stop craving cigarettes?

Start with something small. Every time you resist the urge to smoke, you step closer to getting rid of tobacco use for good. The good news is the urge to smoke won’t last for more than 5 to 10 minutes. You can simply divert your focus to something else.

Tobacco addiction is not limited to mere cigarettes. It can consist of various types of tobacco products. From bidis, hookahs or sheeshas are all risks to your health.

In India alone, there are over 120 million smokers irrespective of what they consume. So if you want to know how to quit smoking? Hopefully, this blog may take you there.

Avoid triggers

One of the things to do to stop smoking is to avoid triggering places like bars and parties. Such places have higher chances to find people who smoke. The smoke that emits from the cigarette can make you crave a smoke. At times feeling stressed or drinking coffee may make you feel like smoking. So make note of such triggers and find ways to get through the temptation.

Chew on something

It is not easy to resist smoking cigarettes. So every time you get the urge to smoke, you can chew on something. These days there are many alternatives to smoking like nicotine chewing gum. You can also chew on other products like raw carrots, nuts, sugarless gum or hard candy.

Redirect your focus

When you feel like you are going to give in to your craving for tobacco, tell yourself to wait for 10 minutes then do something else. This will distract you from smoking during that time. You can go out to the park where there is a strict no-smoking zone so that your brain will be ticked not to smoke. This simple trick may help you temporarily to withdraw from smoking temptation.

Pamper yourself

You smoke in order to relax from stress, so why not treat yourself to a spa or play rulett mobil instead. After you quit smoking you need ways to avoid smoking again. You can tune in to your favourite music and get yourself a massage. Or create a hobby and indulge in pottery or painting. This passion over time will help you not think of smoking.

Save up cigarettes money

If you are a regular smoker, a pack of cigarettes cost over a thousand or two thousand a month. Instead, you can save up the amount of money you spend on a pack of cigarettes after you quit smoking. This is a great way to invest in something rather than cigarettes. It may encourage you to not buy packs anymore and add the money for your next trip or a spa.

Keep fruits near you

Consider this as a nicotine replacement therapy. You can maintain a diet to stay healthy and improve your lungs. After giving up cigarettes or any form of smoking tobacco, grab a fruit when you get the urge to smoke. Every time you do this, it will distract you from smoking cigarettes and improve your health simultaneously.

Exercise regularly

Being active can reduce your nicotine cravings. It can also ease your withdrawal symptoms. When you get the urge to smoke, wear your running shoes and head out for a jog or run. It will boost your adrenaline and make you feel much better. Even mild exercise can help greatly to curb cravings for nicotine. You can also simply walk your dog or go to a gym.

Other ways that will help you quit smoking are –

  • When you get the urge to smoke, clean the house
  • Limit your alcohol as it may want you to smoke cigarettes
  • Go to therapy or get help from your loved ones
  • Talk to your doctor and take medicines to curb cravings
  • You can consider nicotine replacement therapy


What is the best method to help quit smoking?

Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the best ways to help quit smoking. Make note of the triggers that may excite you to smoke. When you get the urge, divert your mind into doing something else. You will soon forget the craving for nicotine. Go for a massage or walk in the park.

How do I know to give up smoking?

Smoking has bad effects that damage your lungs. So it is best to avoid smoking from the start. If not you may face difficulty in breathing as it affects the lungs. Keep yourself busy with activities such as exercising and painting to distract yourself from smoking.

Can I quit smoking suddenly?

When you quit smoking suddenly, you will suffer from withdrawal. Leading to other forms of mental issues like depression and mood swings. So it is wise to stop smoking gradually. Cut down to two cigarettes per day then half of the cigarettes and eventually, you’ll stop smoking.

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